Product Showcase

Verkoop mijn persoonlijke gegevens niet

Uw rechten onder de California Consumer Privacy Act

De California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) geeft u rechten met betrekking tot hoe uw gegevens of persoonlijke informatie wordt behandeld. Volgens de wetgeving kunnen inwoners van Californië ervoor kiezen om af te zien van de "verkoop" van hun persoonlijke gegevens aan derden. Op basis van de CCPA-definitie verwijst 'verkoop' naar het verzamelen van gegevens met het oog op het maken van advertenties en andere communicatie. Meer informatie over CCPA en uw privacyrechten .

Hoe u zich kunt afmelden

Door op de onderstaande link te klikken, zullen we uw persoonlijke gegevens niet langer verzamelen of verkopen. Dit geldt zowel voor derden als voor de gegevens die we verzamelen om uw ervaring op onze website of via andere communicatie te personaliseren. Voor meer informatie, bekijk ons ​​privacybeleid.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How much time does delivery take?

We process orders every day before 9 am except on public holidays...

Do you have any shipping charges on international/within-India orders?

Yes, shipping charges are applicable and are determined based on the weight of the package and the destination country for international orders. For domestic orders within India, shipping charges also vary by weight. However, we occasionally run promotional offers that provide free shipping, so keep an eye out for these opportunities!

How do I cancel my order?

If you intend to cancel your order, please reach out to customer support by submitting your request via the "contact us" form with your order ID. If your order is not dispatched from our warehouse, only then we will be able to cancel the order the same day. Unfortunately, if you intend to cancel your order after the product has been dispatched from our warehouse, you will have to wait for 24 to 48hrs before we can cancel the same. Once the online tracking information updates confirming that your order is being returned to us will, We will proceed to cancel your order. Once your order has been canceled we will initiate the refund immediately. Kindly allow 3-5 business days for the refund to reflect in your account. Reimbursement of funds will be allocated back to the original form of payment used for the pur.

Can I change my shipping/billing address?

Yes, you can change your shipping or billing address within 24 hours of placing the order. Once the order is shipped already, it gets difficult. Kindly reach out to our customer support team by submitting your request via the "contact us" form.